Solo exhibition by Nastivicious (Nastió Mosquito, Vic Pereiró)
waterside contemporary, London
Blood for light brings together a cycle of video installations in which fast-paced visuals and music are narrated in lucid and precise language by a voice that is at points poet, seducer, prophet, and agitator.
With experience in the broadcast industry, pop music and performance, Nastivicious (who describe themselves as a “productive unit committed to creating good work”) are proficient in manipulating and distributing ‘content’. An on-the-fly quality, broad references and stroboscopic attention spans are at once tools and subjects of interrogation.
In a high-energy karaoke, The overture sets out terms under which the family of man battles with its conscience and instincts, it both denounces and pays tribute to human folly. In South, a collage of iconic moments of recent art history, the art world itself is an example of failing solipsism: obsessed with commercial relevance and lacking penetrating engagement despite the appearance of complexity (just what precisely is a ‘global context’?).