Fritsch, Genzken, Oldenburg, Shani, Sherman, Smithson, Thek

Material Rites


On until 9 March 2024

Material’s disastrous influence on meaning, questioned in this show deftly by Oldenburg, Sherman, and Genzken, should be art’s most pressing concern. The role of faith in the making of truth, likewise, is routinely overlooked. Here, Thek and Fritsch take a good stab at it.

The instincts are right, but too much makes sense to make sense together in this cramped Soho showroom. A scan of the gallery’s roster reveals that the project’s aim is to upvote a couple of amorphous, although figurative works by Tai Shani. Curatorial and commercial ambitions mix thus, and suffer the same fate we all do.

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Paulina Olowska at Pace ★★★★☆

Paulina Olowska

Squelchy Garden Mules and Mamunas


It should be within the resources of Pace and Olowska’s experience to advance her legend beyond the discretely marketable.

When Forms Come Alive at Hayward Gallery ★★☆☆☆

When Forms Come Alive


This exhibition cannot decide if it’s a tourist attraction or a serious examination of sculpture’s relationship with movement.

Sin Wei Kin, Portraits at Soft Opening ★★☆☆☆

Sin Wei Kin



This exhibition combines the most vulgar of all art school tropes: juvenile narcissism, NFT kitsch, and mindless referentialism.

Marina Abramović, 7 Deaths of Maria Callas ★☆☆☆☆

Marina Abramović

7 Deaths of Maria Callas


Abramović wants to destroy all performance and all women until she holds the monopoly over stage death.

Lutz Bacher, AYE! at Raven Row ★★★★☆

Lutz Bacher



There’s joy in repetition. There’s joy in repetition. There’s joy in repetition. There’s joy in repetition. There’s joy in repetition. There’s joy in repetition.

Armando D. Cosmos, Nothing New Under the Sun at Phillida Reid ★★★☆☆

Armando D. Cosmos

Nothing New Under the Sun


Cosmos wants to redefine STEM as the alliance of science, theosophy, engineering, and myth.
