Dayanita Singh


On until 29 June 2024

One must admire Frith Street. This gallery loves its artists forever, as though it were oblivious to the contemporary’s ever-changing favours. Its static roster ages with the building and with the money that funds the endeavour.

But one may also sigh at the same gallery’s run of dull, barely distinguishable exhibitions. It’s Singh’s turn this summer, though her expensively framed pictures could have been the work of at least three other Frith Street Gallery artists. None of them would have made this work any better, or any worse. None would have made it new, either.

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Talar Aghabshian, Solace of the Afterimage at Marfa’ at The Approach ★★☆☆☆

Talar Aghbashian

Solace of the Afterimage

Solace of the Afterimage


The carpet dealer gallerist’s zeal reveals the work’s lamentable inadequacy. 

Oh, the Storm at Rodeo ★☆☆☆☆

Oh, the Storm


This exhibitions is trying to explain the concept of ‘crazy paving’ to a blind man. It’s impossible to tell where a work ends and the wall begins.

Bhenji Ra, Biraddali Dancing on the Horizon at Auto Italia ★☆☆☆☆

Bhenji Ra

Biraddali Dancing on the Horizon

Biraddali Dancing on the Horizon


Such work was once a mere grift. Now, it is an outright stitch-up.

Armando D. Cosmos, Nothing New Under the Sun at Phillida Reid ★★★☆☆

Armando D. Cosmos

Nothing New Under the Sun

Nothing New Under the Sun


Cosmos wants to redefine STEM as the alliance of science, theosophy, engineering, and myth.

Tommy Camerno, Delirious at Filet ★★☆☆☆

Tommy Camerno




What’s left of the show are stage props that feed adolescent imaginations with false memories of the long-finished party.

Florian Meisenberg, What does the smoke know of the fire? at Kate MacGarry, ★★★★☆

Florian Meisenberg

What does the smoke know of the fire?

What does the smoke know of the fire?


Meisenberg’s paintings are either the product of a conspiracy or documents of a conspiracy theory.
