Oh, the Storm


On until 13 January 2024

This could be a lazy stockroom show or the greatest selection of the gallery’s works. We’ll never find out, however, because in Rodeo’s quirky tile, brick, and cobblestone Mayfair interior, it’s impossible to tell where a work ends and the wall begins. No amount of close contemplation helps and this exhibition is trying to explain the concept of ‘crazy paving’ to a blind man. Attempting to shut out the excess stimulus of the gallery fabric is so vexing that one longs for the works to either scream in brash colours or to disappear altogether. They do neither, and neither seems like a winning strategy anyway.

Rodeo previously staged charming, intimate, and minimal shows in this space. When ‘site-specific’ has become a dirty concept again, this show is worth seeing for its interior design student failure alone. After the storm, an opportunity to train one’s spatial sensibilities.

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Carole Ebtinger, Esther Gatón at South Parade ★★☆☆☆

Carole Ebtinger, Esther Gatón

phosphorescence of my local lore

phosphorescence of my local lore


Rot overpowered this subject and came for the object next. 

Helen Johnson, Opening at Pilar Corrias ★☆☆☆☆

Helen Johnson




This is the work of a mind that, having needlessly spent years in therapy, became hooked on ennui or of an artist who wasted time misreading Lacan.

Yoko Ono at Tate ★★★☆☆

Yoko Ono

Music of the Mind

Music of the Mind


This show will sell tickets. But it won’t change the weather.

Alexandre Canonico, Still at Ab Anbar ★★★☆☆

Alexandre Canonico




Conanico’s slight structures look like they could take flight at any moment.

Cui Jie, Thermal Currents at Pilar Corrias ★☆☆☆☆

Cui Jie

Thermal Landscapes

Thermal Landscapes


The exhibition feels like a lecture on climate change sponsored by the designers of The Line, Saudi Arabia’s dystopian plan for a 110-mile linear city in the desert.

Pakui Hardware, Maria Terese Rozanskaite, Inflammation at Lithuanian pavilion Venice ★★★☆☆

Pakui Hardware, Maria Terese Rožanskaité




One of the novelties in Venice is the artwork that looks good but on reflection isn’t.
