Ed Webb-Ingall

A Bedroom for Everyone


On until 11 May 2024

How can art improve the lives of communities affected by the cost-of-living crisis, years of underinvestment in public services, and the brutality of open markets? Wrong answers only because Webb-Ingall has already turned this group of migrants, minimum-wage workers, and local activists into low-grade animated content. 

Aesthetically, his 15-minute film which the gallery hopes will inspire or agitate viewers, is akin to the verbose, AI-generated web blogs one has to wade through on cooking recipe and instructional websites before finding the content of interest. Politically, it’s a technocrat’s call masquerading as a grassroots protest banner, cloaking impotence with pseudo-radical verbiage that has done no one any good, ever.

Peer sits a block away from the Job Centre, where many of this exhibition’s target audience supplicate themselves in return for meagre state handouts. A minute’s walk in the other direction is a branch of the citizens’ advice service, where the same appellants learn to cope with this system. Webb-Ignall can’t decide which of these two he’d rather show his work at. In the gallery, he replicates the failings of both.

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Rheim Alkadhi, Templates for Liberation at ICA ★★☆☆☆

Rheim Alkadhi

Templates for Liberation


When truth and artifice are so bluntly opposed, what use is aesthetics?

HelenA Pritchard, The Homeless Mind at TJ Boulting ★★★☆☆

HelenA Pritchard

The Homeless Mind


Death by debris falling from building façades is an artist’s occupational hazard.

Eva Kot’átková, The Czech pavilion in Venice ★★☆☆☆

Eva Kot’átková

The heart of a giraffe in captivity is twelve kilos lighter


The giraffe’s taxidermied corpse is host to an ideological stunt.

Alexandre Canonico, Still at Ab Anbar ★★★☆☆

Alexandre Canonico



Conanico’s slight structures look like they could take flight at any moment.

Poppy Jones, Solid Objects at Herald St ★★★★☆

Poppy Jones

Solid Objects


The lightness of the painter’s gesture cries out for a sledgehammer that would relieve the viewer of his doubt.

Phung-Tien Pham, doesn’t work at Project Native Informant ★★☆☆☆

Phung-Tien Pham

doesn't work


Fad aesthetics for fad ideas.
