Meeson Jessica Pae

Secretions & Formations


On until 13 January 2024

If the hospital played host to an artist-in-residence programme, Pae’s paintings would be of great use in the staff training room and the consultant’s office. But her arrangements of arteries, glands, and other bodily organs that fill half a dozen intensely crimson canvases have no respect for anatomy. Bloodstreams become spaceports, the large intestine the site of a battle. 

Oil paint can cause cancer. A surgery of galactic scale sliced through these forms, leaving their tendrils hanging in mucous-filled cavities. Despite this, a boundless life force orients these pictures. What they suffer in eek-factor, they overcome with sheer metabolic desire. 

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Abel Auer, The shadow of tomorrow draws an ancient silhouette at Corvi-Mora ★★★☆☆

Abel Auer

The shadow of tomorrow draws an ancient silhouette


Auer is more interested in the fate of painting than humanity and thus stands apart from the army of zealots who make eco art today.

Alexandre Canonico, Still at Ab Anbar ★★★☆☆

Alexandre Canonico



Conanico’s slight structures look like they could take flight at any moment.

Yoko Ono at Tate ★★★☆☆

Yoko Ono

Music of the Mind


This show will sell tickets. But it won’t change the weather.

Nicola Turner, Edward Bekkerman at Shtager&Shch ★★☆☆☆

Nicola Turner, Edward Bekkerman

The Song of Psyche: Corners of a Soul's Otherworlds


Who opens a space in Fitzrovia only to fill it with such drivel?

Nanténé Traoré at Sultana and Amanda Wilkinson ★★☆☆☆

Nanténé Traoré

She says it's the high energy


Bodies clash with lights in front of Traoré’s Narcissus camera.

Odoteres Ricardo de Ozias at David Zwirner ★★★☆☆

Odoteres Ricardo de Ozias


These images are perfectly charming even to a viewer possessed of a cold anthropological eye. The troubling part is in realising just how far ‘outside’ the ideas are.
