Tesfaye Urgessa

Prejudice and Belonging


Curated by Lemn Sissay
On until 24 November 2024

Urgessa’s collective portraits exude unsettling calm. Groups pose for the painter having arranged themselves as though for an anthropologist’s camera. The bodies on the canvases are half undressed, half hidden among ritual but contemporary objects that make up symbols of deep time and even deeper knowing.

The artist’s hand is present in these pictures, too, along with his arm, torso, and in one painting his buttocks. Some of the subjects’ faces turn out to be mere reproductions, as if collected from some forgotten atlas. Others are contorted in love, death, or merely life and it is no longer obvious if Urgessa walked in on a wedding feast or some backroom orgy. 

Perhaps this is a timeless idyl, perhaps some personal and tragic stories make up this dance of body parts. But even when doubt becomes overwhelming, Ugressa grants his subject the command of his canvas. In the politically rigged Venice, this gesture is as necessary as air.

notes and notices are short and curt exhibition reviews. Read more:

Ithaca at Herald St ★★★★☆

Christopher Aque, Alekos Fassianos, Luigi Ghirri, Jessie Stevenson, George Tourkovasilis



This show drips with affectation that wouldn’t survive a minute tomorrow.

Hannah Tilson, Soft Cut at Cedric Bardawil ★★☆☆☆

Hannah Tilson

Soft Cut


Tilson’s styled self-portraits are an affectation that will take many years of practice to pay off.

Entangled Pasts at The Royal Academy ★★☆☆☆

Entangled Pasts, 1768–now


Who could have thought that these mantras would turn into rote?

Robert Ryman, Line at David Zwirner ★★★☆☆

Robert Ryman



The artist’s signature becomes a distress call.

Amanda Wall, Femcel at Almine Rech ★★★☆☆

Amanda Wall



There’s no dignity in paint when the arc of art history tends to “show hole”.

Ignacy Czwartos, Polonia Uncensored, Venice ★★☆☆☆

Ignacy Czwartos

Polonia Uncensored


Czwartos’ painting proves little and his sign-writer’s hand loses art history’s bet.
