Art has a long history of engaging with violence and contemporary artists often follow this tradition. Kaelan Wilson-Goldie tracks the contradictions inherent in the practice of aesthetics under the conditions of conflict.
Knee-jerk accusations of fascist thought and the refusal to embrace aesthetic ambiguity have meant that that ‘the left can’t meme’. It’s all Walter Benjamin’s fault – but artist like Joshua Citarealla and Monira Al Qadiri offer alternatives.
Attempts at overturning or reforming globalisation will fall short of expectations unless they strike at the heart of Davos.
Since the Vietnam War the way we see conflict – through film, photographs, and pixels – has had a powerful impact on the political fortunes of the campaign, and the way that war has been conducted.
In August 2021, the world gawked at images of Taliban fighters riding around in bumper cars as their forces completed their takeover of Afghanistan. Are these the images which that best symbolise the reality of this latest act in the War on Terror?